On 8/10/07, C. Hatton Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *While working with a $100/hr networking company, the "Cisco
> specialist" they sent who looked no more than 22-23 years old, looked
> at the equipment and laughed, saying, "I haven't touched Cisco stuff
> in ages!"  Later, we found him googling answers to the problems he was
> coming up with including how to access the configuration screen in the
> router (the enable command).

This reminds me of a situation that I was put in back when i was interning.

It was the summer after my Junior year, and I was interning with a small
company. Only working 20 hours a week, doing simple HTML and learning this
new language called "Cold Fusion". A novice in every way, shape and form.
Anyway, my boss is on a conference call with a representative from some
company called "J&J". My boss tells this woman that he will have his "EDI
expert" give her a call to begin discussions for setting up Electronic Data
exchanges between "J&J" and us. It was only after he hung up that I found
out two things:

1) "J&J" is none other than Johnson and Johnson and
2) *I* was our "EDI expert"

When I finally got up the nerve to call J&J's EDI representative, I told her
the truth....she was great and just laughed that it wasn't the first time
she'd dealt with a "novice expert" from a small company.

Her CD changer is full of singers who are mad at their cat.

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