The Prime Minister mentioned was in power at the same time as Eisenhower if
it helps to put the quote in some sort of historical context. Presumably we
can now judge American media companies on how they reacted to Eisenhower?

On 13/08/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you are? ::blink:: if you say so. By the way, the comments at the end
> of the article seem to indicate that the author is talking about the
> fairly distant past. But I dunno. I don't know this author, or his
> show, or that much about the BBC's inner workings for that matter. All
> I know is that they often have actual reporters in the field, which is
> decreasingly the case for the North American press.
> On 8/13/07, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Instead of talking like a retard
> >
> > Little testy today are we Sam? Take a little poke at the home teams
> > and one flies off the handle.
> >
> > I make a joke at the expense of EIB and Fox and now I am to be
> > pilloried because I don't address the BBC's bias?
> >
> > Oh and yes, I read the article at the link. The BBC admits bias. What
> > does it prove? Is everything they have ever reported throughout time
> > is now tainted? Or just tainted because the bias is to the left? If
> > they had admitted a conservative bias, would you have trumpeted that
> > as a shining beacon in the vast darkness that is 'liberalism'? Or
> > would you have poo-poo'd the report because it couldn't possibly be
> > true?
> >
> > Now if BBC shifts right and cozies up to the Tories, then what? The
> > next poll that shows they're out of step with 57% of those polled will
> > include liberals who feel BBC is ignoring them when speaking from a
> > conservative standpoint?
> >
> > Everyone is to the right or to the left of someone else. You're to the
> > right of me, I'm to the right of Dana. Sort of what makes discussions
> > so damned interesting.
> >
> > Even for a "retard" like me.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > will
> >
> > "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
> > and that would just be unacceptable."
> > - Carrie Fisher
> >
> >

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