I thought GG explained it well.
I'll try again. By saying you're acting like a black man, a white man
or even Jew is intended as an insult. I've heard Jew used as
derogatory word many times but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be used.
Years ago if you called a mentally challenged person a retard it
wasn't insulting just matter of fact. If you called a normal person
retard, it was implying negative connotations to retard, so the PC
policy banned the word.

They're now trying to change Black to African American which is why I
used it as an example, being he mentioned the n word. My point is if
you replace the n word with black man it has the same meaning and just
as bad. That doesn't mean you should change the word, just stop using
it in a negative way.

Clear as mud now?

On 8/14/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this would be my point....
> On 8/14/07, Tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > personally, i think its FUCKED UP to coin anything
> >
> > how exactly does a BLACK MAN act?
> >
> > just wondering.
> >
> > guess, im going to go to lunch and act like white man?
> >
> > tw
> >

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