even then it was "retarded" wasn't it? I do think "moron" has an
actual definition relating it to a specific IQ range, but that's an
aside. I'm sure Larry has looked at the DSM more recently that I have

On 8/15/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Actually it is a real word used to describe a specific IQ range isn't it?
> >
> >Sam.
> >
> Nope. It has not been used professionally since the 1970's. Even then it was 
> frowned up on. Downs Syndrome is OK, Mentally Handicapped is OK, 
> Developmentally Delayed is OK. All of these phrase describe particular 
> diagnoses.
> Retard is a perjoritive. Its intended as hate speech pure and simple. If 
> you're really in doubt look up what's currently used in the DSM-IVR.

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