Sam and Dana have "a thing".  If they were playing out on the
playground, sam's post would be akin to pulling her pony tail and
running away.


On 8/16/07, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How is this getting racist? It is a known fact that there are certain parts
> of certain cities that certain people cannot safely enter. It is also a
> known fact that the majority of the gangs consist of mostly Black, Hispanic
> or Asian members. I know this because I was raised around some of these
> gangs.
> Here is a study done recently:
> (
> ..pdf)
> I was raised in Los Angeles. Although I went to the same schools as some of
> my friends who lived in areas that white folks are pretty much not allowed
> to enter, I could not visit my friends whenever I wanted to, but they could
> come to my house with no problem. Once I started to tutor one of these guys
> though (and thus he was getting a chance to go somewhere other than his
> brothers gang since he was getting a real education), I was allowed safe
> passage and offered free protection (and yes, I used this protection more
> than once).
> Even today there are parts of LA that I will not enter because it is not
> safe for me. I am not racist nor am I stereotyping, just stating a fact. Not
> sure where you live Sam but believe me, this is a very real thing here.
> Bruce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 2:11 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Cincinnati
> I'm getting a racist vibe from this post.
> On 8/16/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I used to live not too far away but too far for knowing about
> > restaurants. However, we enjoyed the aquarim that's just over the
> > Kentucky state line, if that's helpful.
> >
> > You might want to ask some locals as to whether there are areas to
> > avoid still -- Over-the-Rhine? -- there were riots there a few years
> > ago and a couple white people were pulled out of their cars and beaten
> > to death. That was ummm 2000 so things may be better. I did find
> > people very hostile in some parts of town when I would stop to get gas
> > or something, much more so that I have seen anywhere else and I have
> > been on the "wrong" side of town many many times in my life.
> >
> > Dana
> >

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