Filters failed again?
You're a bright one. Obviously it's not safe to enter a neighborhood
during a racial riot.

As for Howard Beach, it's a racist area always has been. That's
determined. Would you tell a white person not to go there because it's
a bad neighborhood? There are areas where Blacks shouldn't go, because
whites are more likely to be racist. I'm saying the opposite is not

On 8/20/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh for crying out loud.
> Crown Heights, Sam? Howard Beach? To claim that there are no
> neighborhoods where the average passerby might be in danger because of
> his race is disingenous. They beat two people to death in
> Over-the-Rhine, purely for being white and being there. It happens.
> Get over it.
> Laws concerning realtors are irrelevant. The fact that there are
> vibrant multiracial neighborhoods is irrelevant. There are also
> neighborhoods where there is a color line.

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