that's because sports f***ing rock, and the rest of that shit you mentioned
is pre-packaged bullshit.

Hmmm.....i think you struck a nerve :)

On 8/23/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I like his honesty.  He's saying that no matter how outraged people
> are, in general, sport fans are suckers.  They spend more and more and
> more and, no matter what kind of BS the players do, they just keep
> paying and then pay more.  So he's just being honest: "people will
> watch this guy even if he's OJ and my job is to win so why not?"
> Now, saying that sports fans are suckers is certainly provokative, but
> I can't of a any other activity that people spend more on to *view*.
> For example, there are lots of movie fans out there, but only the most
> crazed will spend money to "get the jersey" of a movie star.  Music?
> Same.  The stage?  Even fewer there.
> Don't get me wrong, I like sports.  I used to love watching prof
> football, but I stopped years ago.  My brother, who was a true
> fanatic, quit 2 years ago with the Randy Moss debacle; he burned all
> of his football stuff in his driveway and a few of his neighbors
> brought their stuff over too.
> As professional sports like basketball and football move to the prison
> yard, many people will continue to watch.  They'll pay more.  In fact,
> I bet the PFL (prison football league) will get more $$$ than the NFL
> in years to come.

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