so...if some guy is walking down the street yelling FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! and
you and your kids hear it, it is OK for the city to pass a law that swearing
is a finable offense?

(and sry about the New Orleans thing...I just skimmed the article for the
main points and missed that it WASN'T New Orleans.)

On 8/30/07, Russel Madere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fuck you - only the by-line read New Orleans.  The actual cities with bans
> are in north Louisiana.  So I don't hve a constitutional right not to see
> some 300 pound woman showing 6 inches of thong back and ass while I'm trying
> to eat?
> Plus, where in the constitution does it ban local governments from setting
> LOCAL indecent exposure standards.
> BTW, I disagree with the law, but sympathize with the aims.
> >fuck me...don't they a have a fucking city to rebuild?  what a colossal
> >waste of time and energy, not to mention that it is pretty much trampling
> >all over the constitutional rights of people.
> >
> >
> >>

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