No kudos to Patraeus for giving an honest answer as well?

On 9/11/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a question of military judgement asked of a military commander.
> My personal favorite (I was in and out but listened to a lot of it)
> was when he was asked if there was any evidence of a link between 9/11
> and Iraq. To which he responded, not to my knowledge. And by the way
> -- kudos to Senator Byrd for cutting through a lot of the rhetoric and
> coming to the point.
> On 9/11/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That was a loaded question by a politician trying to score points.
> Petraeus
> > gave an honest answer. An even better answer would have been to say that
> > such political  judgments were for the civilian leadership to make.
> >
> > The counter-question to Warner's question is this- if we change course
> and
> > pull out our troops, would America be less safe? Would America's
> national
> > security interests be harmed by a civil war in Iraq, or by a wider
> conflict
> > that draws in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 9/11/07, Gruss  wrote:
> > >
> > > Sen Warner:
> > > "Are you able to say at this time, if we continue what you've laid
> > > before the Congress here as a strategy, do you feel that is making
> > > America safer?" Warner asked.
> > >
> > > Gen Petraeus:
> > > "Sir, I believe that this is indeed the best course of action to
> > > achieve our objectives in Iraq."
> > >
> > > Sen Warner:
> > > "Does that make America safer?" Warner asked again.
> > >
> > > Gen Petraeus:
> > > "Sir, I don't know actually."
> > >
> >
> >
> >

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