Read the whole thing,it's good, but here's the part about the rest of the area:

Now take a look at the map of Iran,  and
notice where our military are today. To the west is Iraq, where
American forces move and attack freely. To the east is Afghanistan,
where the same is true. South and south-west are Saudi Arabia, the
Gulf States, and the Gulf itself; those Sunni countries now consider
Iran to be their biggest threat.

We therefore have hundreds of thousands of military surrounding the
next biggest problem, Tehran: to the east and west, and on naval
vessels in the Gulf, the Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean. We just
had joint maneuvers with the Indian Navy, the Japanese and the
Aussies. In Qatar we have major bases. We just sold another 20 billion
dollars worth of military equipment to Saudi and Oman, including
anti-missile defenses. Farther away, Egypt and Jordan are American
clients -- within limits. So, of course, is Israel. In sum, Tehran can
be struck from most points of the compass by our air and missile
forces. The Israeli Air Force just struck Iranian weapons located in
the eastern corner of Syria, right next to Iran.

On 9/12/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex


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