On 9/13/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We never actually fought any of those countries in head-on military
> conflict. Germany and Japan, on the other hand, are liberal democracies with
> strong market economies specifically because we crushed them in WWII and
> then spent decades and billions upon billions of dollars helping them
> rebuild and change their governments. That is what we are trying to do in
> Iraq. Regardless of what Bush said back on the campaign trail in 2000, we
> are in the nation-building business in Iraq. Time to get the job done.

WWII isn't Iraq, for sure.  People are more concerned with making money,
or being political, than anything else.

Sure there was horrible profiteering during pretty much every conflict, but this
last round was truly sickening.

What about the rolling stone article link I posted?  If even one of
the five pages
had real info, things have gone horribly wrong.

I don't doubt that at least some of it was true, just because of what I've seen
with my own eyes so far.

what's the deal with the poppy fields, btw?  I would find it funny, were it not
such a grave issue, that the "War on Drugs" is interfering with "The War on
Terror".  Well, actually, it's pretty funny, even so. LOL.  Hilarious.

*sigh* our country has been sliding for soooo long, really.  The quickening
was what really got me, and the fact that so few people seem to care.
The pendulum swings, wildly.  Is the phoenix burning, again?  Yay!

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