Oil is at $80 because of speculation and profiteering, but it would still be
at $70 without those factors. I'd like to see it closer to $50, and
stabilizing Iraq will help to do that.

I am not concerned about opium production in the short term. We can't wipe
out their crops without substituting something else for them to live on.
Yes, we are allowing the enemy a source of funding, but that is a choice
driven by circumstances. Oil makes more money than opium, and we can still
bring the price of oil down. Stabilizing Iraq is a necessary part of that
objective. Preventing a wider war in the Middle East is another part of that
objective. Both of those things require us to be in Iraq, not Afghanistan.

Then there is the remaining question of the ideological war against Al
Qaeda. Their main goal today is to defeat the U.S. in Iraq. It is a goal
driven by their plan to use Iraq as the launching pad for a world-wide
Islamic state by taking over the MIddle East and holding the rest of the
world hostage to its oil supplies. Wiping out poppy plants in Afghanistan
puts us no closer to defeating Al Qaeda in Iraq.

On 9/14/07, Judah wrote:
> Increases in
> prices in the United States have more to do with market speculation,
> profiteering and refining capacity than they do crude oil supply.
> Afghanistan, on the other hand, actually has a near monopoly on a very
> marketable substance: opium. They produce over 90% of the worlds opium
> crop.

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