On 9/16/07, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have any idea what you're saying at all?

I wonder myself at times... there's so much to know!

The Taliban is in Afghanistan not Iraq.

No ship? Keep digging, Watson!

>From some random interweb article:

"The fact of the matter is you can't stop opium production when the warlords
control the regions and when we don't expand security beyond Kabul," Sen.
Joseph R. Biden Jr., a Delaware Democrat, said at a hearing of the Senate
Judiciary Committee on drugs and terrorism in May. "It was a power vacuum
created by warlords and drug-traffickers that enabled the Taliban and
al-Qaida to turn Afghanistan into an international swamp. ... And now we're
back in the same situation again."

But, whatever.  I'm tired of the fear-mongering, and lack
the moral, or energetic wherewithall, to try to show how
there are different ways of attacking the same problem.

I guess actually defining the problem is the first step,
tho, right?  *sigh* Alas, my project management skills
are as puny as my arms- meaning, I don't own a gun.

Get it? Puny arms?  (in reality they're 49in pythons of
doom, that just sounded funny.(to me:) I love weak puns
too)  I'd kiss these bazookas, if I wasn't so swelled up.
(like the Augmenter (later on), from marvel comics)

=]  Sorry so silly, loathe.  I'm in code-mode, now. =/

* * *

We'll get there, one way or another-  I'd prefer the
honorable way, of course.

Long life is in Wisdom's right hand; in her left hand
are riches and honor.  Her ways are pleasant ways,
and all her paths are peace. - Proverbs 3:16-17

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