You know... I think you may be right. Maybe. It would not be my first
choice either -- I still think that's Richardson -- but it's better
than a lot of what we COULD get.

The problem with Hillary is that Bill comes with her. And even if he
is a sleaze who has a clue how the other half lives, he is still a
sleaze. I really don't know what she sees in him. Now, this mind you
is from somebody who in general really likes the idea of a woman
president. I just like it a little less when the woman is Hillary and
not as much I think as some of the other candidates.

What I personally would really like to see is a candidate or two who
would say here is what we need to do, and *stand up* for something.
Even if I don't agree with them, I would really like to see that
breath of fresh air.

On 9/25/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > RoMunn wrote:
> > three words- down in flames...
> >
> I LOVE these predictions ... you don't even know who her competition
> is, but because you don't like her you're convinced the rest of the US
> wouldn't vote for her either.  And, of course, just like the Bible,
> there's a poll to justify your feelings.
> Mr. & Mrs. Clinton have made a career of winning in these
> circumstances.  They LOVE to be underdogs.  They LOVE to be under
> attack.  They're like Greek Fire: you pour water on them and it just
> makes them burn brighter.
> Remember Pres Clinton's 1st presidential campaign?  The 60 minutes
> interview?  Down in flames was the claim ...
> Remember Ms. Clinton's 1st Senatorial run?  "She doesn't even live
> there!"  Down in flames was the claim ...
> I don't even like the Clintons, but if the rest of the Republicans
> feel as you then I'd say you'd better get used to saying "Madam
> President".

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