lapel-pin scandal? why am I suddenly glad that I don't watch television...

On 10/10/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +100
> >> Actually even put in broader context I would say she certainly has
> >> socialist
> >> leanings.
> >
> >I agree... but in the same way that you could say that anybody that promotes
> >free market forces has "Machiavellian leanings".
> >
> >However this in no way makes her (as the post and other sources of the
> >information imply) either communist or Marxist.  She may have socialist
> >leanings but she's still well within the mainstream of American politics;
> >she leans no more or no less than a broad spectrum of her constituents.
> >
> >She's without a doubt left of center... but a Marxist?
> >
> >She's definitely a social liberal who's for universal care (which almost by
> >definition means a lessening of personal responsibility).  I don't know
> >enough to say if she's truly "anti-wealth" despite her view on these
> >specific tax cuts (a view which I agree with).
> >
> >In general our society has "socialist leanings".  What are concepts like
> >minimum wage, guaranteed health care, bankruptcy protection, public school
> >standards, federal control of markets and monopolization if not socialist?
> >In fact I think that every first-world country has "socialist leanings" of
> >some kind or another - mostly in the areas of universal care and wealth
> >protection.
> >
> >Of course the United States isn't a socialist country despite these leanings
> >and neither is Hillary (or, as far as I can tell, any of the front-runners)
> >socialists.
> >
> >Maybe I'm just getting sick of (the mostly, but not exclusively, republican)
> >art of sound-biting people into little pieces but this struck a nerve.  The
> >whole lapel-pin thing with Obama (can you believe Fox compared it to
> >Lewinsky scandal?); the fact that the senate spent so much time on the
> >"" ad; the Charles case, etc.
> >
> >I'm generally disgusted by any demonization campaigns but the ones we've
> >been seeing for the past few years have been truly nauseating.
> >
> >Jim Davis

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