>So the real question is:  are you saying it's not probable, or it's 

What I am saying is that the data does not support the hypothesis that there is 
a racial basic for intellectual differences. Personally I think that what 
differences that are attributable to so called racial differences are more 
likely due to sampling characteristics. 

In other words you're going to have to have quite a few extremely carefully 
controlled studies that consistently show a difference between so called races. 
And the definitions of races will have to be very carefully made too. The 
participants in one racial grouping cannot have any background with any other 
racial groups. A controlled triplet study would be best, with the triplets 
separated by birth and raised in very different conditions. Then you make sure 
that you have equal number of triplets from black, mongolian, caucasian 
(including indian from the Indian subcontinent), amerind, and australian 
aboriginal racial groupings.

After setting up and running such a set of studies, you would also need a lot 
of money to ensure you can adequately defend yourself against ethics and crimes 
against humanity charges. 

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