but why is it interesting? People keep telling you your views are not
borne out by science. I know I damn for sure was not going to read
this thread at work with a Native American sitting next to me,
especially when you seem to have gotten the notion that I think it's
possible. I think that's enough to make me feel the bigot flag may be


On 10/31/07, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sam wrote:
> > Well about time.
> >
> That doesn't mean I think Dr. Watson's statement is impossible as many
> have suggested.
> For example, along a bell curve, babies born in a certain geographic
> area might have, say, autism or some other genetic disease or
> mutation.  For example, Chernobyl.  Or that town Erin Brockovich was
> checking out.
> So let's take that town.  Let's say I did a study that found a
> correlated incidence of cancer with living in Hinkley.  But if
> everyone in Hinkley in also White except 10 people who are Mexican,
> but due to cultural issues all drink bottled water, I could just as
> easily say that cancer in Hickley is correlated with being White!
> <INHALE> <POINT> <Wave_Bigot_Flag>
> The point is, relax, the topic is interesting enough without dragging
> out the bigot flag.

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