Here is my $.02 on this hotly raging debate =)

Genetics, while it can probably influence intelligence or at least
contribute too it, I feel is a small factor compared to environment and
upbringing.  While racism continues to exist, people will continue to
group together in like-race communities.  Those communities will affect
the people they produce.  Now, if you have a dirt poor community of race
A and you bring in a family of race B to grow up there, I would bet you
a buck that, most of the time, the end results will be similar.  I have
seen just as many amazingly smart Indian / black / asian / white people
as I have seen amazingly stupid ones.  Intelligence is not *only* a
product of genetics and environment, you don't just *blink* and become
smart, it's a choice you make to invest in yourself.  If you are brought
up in an environment that puts no value on yourself, why would you

Chris Peterson
Gainey IT
Adobe Certified Advanced Coldfusion Developer
-----Original Message-----
From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:19 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: AYFKM?

> Larry wrote:

> What does that have to do with intelliegence.

I dunno; my doctor says my dark skin correlates with a lower risk of
melanoma, but that my dyplastic mole correlates with a higher risk.
Maybe that means my risk profile evens out.

> THe point raised was that blacks were, on the average, less intellient
that whites.

No.  The *question* asked was why was Dr. Watson immediately assumed
to be racist because he said there was data suggesting that Africans
(no skin color mentioned) were less intelligent than Europeans.

The only really good response to THAT question was by someone who
called me Hitler, but then pointed out that Dr. Watson does have a
controversial history of alleged bigotry.

That doesn't mean his statement is false, but it casts doubt on any
data he says he saw.

And before some points out that he, later on, said there was no data I
would point out that if the reaction he got was anything like the
reaction here, then I wouldn't blame him for "mis-remembering" the

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