IMHO, no.  And this is where other beliefs come into play.

I know that there are people who believe homosexuality is a choice.  I 
think these people are mistaken.  Promiscuity, sexual addiction aside, 
is a choice.

To me, banning gays from <organization> is like banning blondes, or 
blacks, or people with buck teeth.


Gruss Gott wrote:
>> BenD wrote:
>> Except the BSOA does not ban homosexual behavior during scouting events
>> and/or on scout property.  They ban it, period.  Which would be like a
>> company saying that their employees may not engage in PDA ever.  Even on
>> their honeymoon.
> How about a group that banned promiscuity - Gay or straight?  Let's
> say they believed in monogamous relationships w/children and asked all
> of their members to actively hold or be moving towards those beliefs?
> Anyone would be welcome to join the group, but a single man would be
> expected to be actively trying to find a mate (man or women), once
> found to be monogamous, and to pursue children either naturally or via
> adoption.
> Would that be wrong?

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