Huh...none of those pictures look at all like what I saw last night....with
the naked eye and light pollution, all you could see was a little blurry
patch of light up in the sky where there is normally nothing.

Head north out of the city tonight with your binoculars, and I think you'll
recognize it instantly.

On 11/6/07, Deanna Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, here's a photo. (It's the thing circled.)
> That's about what it looked like to my naked eye.
> Here's a gallery of photos:
> I see the spotlight variety - but those are with a telescope or long
> exposure photos.
> Naked eye, lots of light pollution = looks about like a star.
> -d
> On Nov 6, 2007 8:55 AM, G Money  wrote:
> > If it looked like "just another star", you most likely were not looking
> at
> > the right thing. The comet does not resemble a star in any way, because
> > there is no singular point of light. It looks more like a spotlight has
> been
> > permanently left on and is reflecting off of a cloud. When you see it,
> it is
> > instantly obvious that it's not a star.
> >
> > I'd definitely recommend the binoculars.
> >

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