> Dino wrote:
> These money numbers will move him up in the 'ratings' but I'd like to see
> the real stats on where the cash was coming from. Stacking the deck takes
> many forms and this looks kind of suspicious.

Oh, I dunno ... $7M given there's 300 million Americans (400 now?) ...
so let's say 50% vote for President, that's 150M and let's say of
those, 50% are even paying attention now so that's 75M people or 1/2
or all likely voters.

So, if 1% of the 50% of likely voters that are paying attention,
750,000 people, contribute $10 to Mr. Paul's campaign, that'd his

So that'd be 1/2 of 1% of *likely* voters contributing $10.  Unless my
math is wrong, that seems easily doable.

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