SOME black Americans are doing very well. Barack Obama is pulling
ahead of Hillary Clinton in Iowa. Tiger Woods is the world's best-paid
athlete. Stan O'Neal was given a $160m golden parachute as he was
ejected from Merrill Lynch last month. But these exceptional folk are
indeed exceptional. For members of the black middle class, the news is
gloomier. New research suggests that their grip on affluence is

The Economic Mobility Project, an arm of the impeccably non-partisan
Pew Charitable Trusts, compares contemporary Americans' family income
(based on surveys conducted between 1996 and 2003) with their parents'
(between 1968 and 1972). Overall, the picture is cheerful. Two-thirds
of Americans who were children in 1968 and are now in their 30s or 40s
enjoy higher household income than their parents did then. The same is
true for black Americans. But black upward mobility consists largely
of people from poor families moving up. Blacks born halfway up the
income ladder, by contrast, show an alarming tendency to fall down.
Only 31% of blacks who were children in 1968 and whose parents were in
the middle fifth of America's income distribution now earn more than
their parents did. The average household income for this group has
actually declined—from $53,700 (in 2006 dollars) to $44,900. Nearly
half fell all the way into the bottom fifth.

These findings have furrowed many brows. CBS News calls them
"chilling". The Washington Post laments that the middle-class dream is
eluding African-Americans. Many people find the data perplexing. Why,
if America really is the land of opportunity, are so many blacks
finding it hard to hold onto the middle rungs of the ladder?

Some caution is in order. Black families who managed to pull
themselves up to the middle of the national income distribution by the
late 1960s—ie, within five years of the Civil Rights Act—must have
been hot stuff. Certainly, they would have been near the top of the
income distribution for blacks. So it would not be that odd for their
children to fall short of their high standards. Gary Burtless of the
Brookings Institution, a think-tank, thinks some of the downward
mobility unearthed by the Pew study will turn out to be nothing more
sinister than a reversion to the mean. White children whose parents
were in the top 20% in the late 1960s have also fallen slightly behind
their parents. But nothing like as dramatically as middle-income
blacks have. Furthermore, at all income levels, blacks were less
likely than whites to surpass their parents. (Overall, blacks and
whites were equally likely to be upwardly mobile, but this was because
anyone who starts at the bottom has more room to climb, and more
blacks started at the bottom.)

Is racism to blame for downward mobility among middle-class blacks?
Probably not much. Discrimination is far from dead, but it is hard to
argue that it has intensified since the 1960s. The grease on the
ladder must have other ingredients, too. An oft-cited one is the
changing structure of the economy. Forty years ago a man with a high
school diploma could work at a steel factory for a middle-class
salary. Nowadays good jobs typically require a college degree, which
black men are less likely than whites to have. Black men who worked
full-time in 2004 earned 22% less than white men did, and fewer of
them were employed at all.

Another big change since the 1960s is that the black family has all
but disintegrated. In 1969 two-thirds of blacks in their 30s were
married. Three decades later, 42% were. White families have gone
non-nuclear too, but much less dramatically. This affects household
income. Other things being equal, two working parents earn more than
one. White household incomes have risen sharply in the past generation
largely because white women are now far more likely to work outside
the home. The richest households typically consist of two
professionals, married to each other and working full-time. Few black
households look like this. Black women, who have always worked outside
the home in large numbers, now earn 95% as much as white women. But
they are more likely to be sole breadwinners. And for those who want
to marry a black man of similar status, the odds are unkind. For every
100 black female college graduates, there are only 70 black male ones.
Cash is king

A third factor is that even when blacks earn the same as whites, they
tend to be less wealthy. In 2000 the average white household in the
bottom fifth of income-earners was worth $24,000. For black households
the figure was $57—less than Mr O'Neal might spend on lunch. Whites in
the middle fifth were five times wealthier than their black
counterparts; those in the top fifth were three times more so.

Dalton Conley, a sociology professor at New York University and the
author of "Being Black, Living in the Red", thinks this explains a
lot. Extra cash cushions whites against temporary setbacks, such as
losing a job or falling sick. It makes it easier to buy a home near a
good school, and to borrow money for university. Blacks are less
likely to graduate from college than whites with the same family
income, but the gap disappears if you compare families with the same
income and net worth. Wealthier parents can more easily lend their
offspring cash to start a business, and assets mean you can plan for
the future.

So what can blacks do to keep their grip on the ladder? Financial
education is one big thing, says Dawn Franklin of the National
Association for the Advancement of Coloured People. As the recent
collapse of the subprime-mortgage market shows, people without assets
need to be careful how much they borrow, and on what terms. "Just
because a bank says yes to you doesn't mean you got a good deal", she

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