> gMoney wrote:
> Thank god. I'm alarmed that the vote was as close as it was.

Socialism is a demagogic gold mine!  You manipulate people's emotions,
playing on their fears, and reassuring them that their problems and
shortcomings are someone else's fault.

You tell them that if only they gave you more power, then you could
really stick it to the man.

Once you have power, you limit their access to information, and give
them token hand-outs while you slowly steal their freedom.

Unfortunately what people forget (or never knew) is that freedom comes
with a price: capitalism.

And capitalism creates disparities that seem unfair (maybe they are),
but there is simply no better solution.

I actually heard a guy say on NPR this morn, "Hugo is not a dictator!
What kind of dictator gives his people healthcare and financial
assistance?  Dictators keep their people poor and ill so that they can
better control them."

Uh no.  *Good* dictators keep their people fat and happy, but in jail.

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