One big reason is that managers feel that you are not working if they 
can't see it. They feel that they have to be hands on, available for 
random meetings and what not.

Where I work now, I only live five miles away, yet my boss will NOT let 
anyone work from home. No particular reason other than he likes to have 
warm bodies here.

My mom is 100% telecommute for her company. Her boss' boss loves it. She 
is only one of two who get to do this. She has proven over and over that 
she is far more productive between the hours of 6-3:30 than all of the 
other people in the office (I have seen her performance reviews from her 
old boss), yet her new boss is trying everything she can to either get 
her back int the office or fired. Fortunately her boss' boss is on to 
her and keeps her in check on this subject. The two telecommuters and 
the boss's have all managed to dodge three weeks of layoffs in their 
department. All of the layoffs were in-office workers.

My argument has always been that our work is measurable. You tell your 
boss that you will have the user administrator interface done in two 
days, and it is not, well then you probably are not working, but if it 
is done on time or early, then it is obvious that you are working.

Now there is the other side of it. Not everyone can telecommute. I am 
not sure if there is some sort of test available to see if you are the 
telecommuting type, but my guess is that a boss does not want to take a 
chance of letting someone work from home, then that person falls flat on 
their face, and the manager looks like they made a bad decision.


Scott Stewart wrote:
I'm coming off of a telecommuting contract at the end of December, so I'm
looking for new contracts/jobs.

Why are there so few companies that will entertain the idea of
telecommuting? There's not a lot of opportunities in Raleigh, but everyone
wants me to relocate


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