Another old one.  What the hell!

On Dec 4, 2007 7:23 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Denstar The Anonymouser wrote:
> > There's no force involved- we are the silly, silly people who want it
> this
> > way.
> >
> Every time you create a new tax you are forceably taking the money
> from someone's pocket.  The only vote they have to stop you is via a
> representative who will likely agree to take it; which is why taxes
> aren't voluntary.

Key word? Representative!  Who put them in office? Theoretically, US!
That's why the campaigns need reform, and pork projects gotta go!

By definition something that isn't voluntary is forced.

How does that saying go?  The slave is the master's master? Bah, I
can't remember the eloquent one.<---^^^--- random side comments>

> As for the free market, a totally free market isn't sustainable nor
> the solution to anything due to market failures that occur even in a
> well regulated one.  But the well regulated market is almost always
> the best solution to most human problems vs. giving the problem to
> government.

Maybe moreso than it is currently- re: airline & some farm/etc. subsidies.

But I like the idea of cheap public transportation, and maintained stuff-
and the crazy bit is- holy shit!  Do you know how much money even one
freaking penny from "every american" /is/?  How quickly that adds up?
We're spending billions (trillions?) of non-money at the same time, which
sucks, but man- think of what we could do if we used those pooled
resources for some kick ass shit!

That's the optimist in me tho- perhaps humans just can't handle that
kind of responsibility.  Maybe we have to be all fragmented and only
loosly teamed up to really cook.  Only looking at the bottom line...

It would be hard for a private corporation to spend $300,000 on wet
noodle sticking to the wall experiments.  Well, hard/er/.

Funny question:  Would you rather a bunch of people separately come
together to accomplish something, or a charismatic leader who gathers
people around to accomplish said thing?

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