On 1/12/08, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That should have read least costly.

Ha! it's funny that you mention Iraq (I'm assuming you mean Desert
Storm?), since I keep thinking about that John Boyd.  His biography
was an excellent read!

Just an interesting perspective on things.

We're bad-asses-- rolling in and killing folk is what we do.

I still think of those Apache videos... poor bastards running out of
their bunkers in the pitch black (for them) and just getting mowed
down. Heh.

Holding the territory and accomplishing other goals required more
boots on the ground, period (IMHO).

Just bad bad planning based on flawed, cherry-picked intel and crap--
a case of the "I will make the facts fit my theory"s.

And a P.R. firm for the "War on Terrer"?  Bah.

This thing on PBS showed how the whole world is linked economically...
I think a good bit of it has to do with the federal reserve, and
assigning value to things and whatnot.  Loans, interest rates... a
banking system collapses in Tibet... tornado in Brooklyn.

I wish the fiscal responsibles had booted Walker after his first try.

I'm not sure how this fits in exactly to the squandering our reserves
and the worlds goodwill, or Iraq, and political speeches, but somehow
it does.  LOL.  I need food.

They were calling Obama "the next Kennedy" since the beginning
almost... interesting...

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    Scottish Proverb

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