Again it is depended solely upon the state in which YOU are conducting
the business. If you live in Florida and your client is in Maryland,
your client is obligated to pay the cost you set forth. You would only
have to adhere to the taxes set by Florida. 

KEEP IN MIND, I am not a lawyer, CPA or anything, so consult either if
needed for clarification.

That is my interpretation of it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Vivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 9:08 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: anyone else in maryland?

So...let's say I start marketing services in Maryland.
I get 100 companies. Now my business exists offshore, so I don't have
to charge any tax at all.

You're saying that those companies would need to add on this sales tax
themselves to whatever I charge
and then report that at tax time?

So these taxes mean basically that once you are in a state , all your
web development services are increased by 6%?

On Jan 15, 2008 9:26 AM, Adkins, Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well the companies would only be obligated to pay the cost. Since
> outside of the US or outside of the given state that charges the taxes
> would not have to pay it.
> Companies would still be obligated as they have been thus far to pay
> their own corporate tax.
> However, this is only related to a few states right now.
> Maryland is one who is planning to enforce it starting July 1. Now
> whether or not it is adopted into law we will wait and see.
> As for Virginia, new taxes have been put in place for Automotive
> Services and home sales. At this time VA does not have a computer
> services tax.
> I am no lawyer so check with your local CPA or Legal office for more
> details about the laws they are applied to your state.

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