Also, what is this preemptive nonsense, unilateral, I'll give you, but 
they did seriously invade Kuwait.  We never signed a peace treaty with 
them and were still officially at war right up until we toppled their 

Dinner wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008 9:13 PM, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If you are going to argue about military action, at least address the
>> realities of the theater you are talking about. We could have pulverized
>> North Korea years ago, but it would have cost of the lives of 70,000+ US
>> servicemen in the Korean DMZ, maybe a million+ South Koreans in range of
>> North Korean artillery (e.g. all of Seoul) and perhaps even some Japanese
>> unlucky enough to be in range of North Korean missiles. No one is going to
>> make that trade for a preemptive strike, although I could see it being made
>> if the North were in the process of invading the South.
> Hey hey!  Look how we choose who to "premptivly attack".  =]
> Iraq was the logical choice, since we didn't think we'd loose "too
> much", or what?
> And what about Cheney's "it would be a quagmire" crap, from before the war?
> Damn man, the whole thing was just executed piss-poor.  I like seeing
> "bad guys" swinging from the gallows as much as the next guy, but
> sheesh.  These are our countrypeople dieing for these decisions!
> You don't just play with life and death like that, and then say "God
> has my back, I don't even feel bad", and whatnot.  Or you can, but you
> loose my respect.  "too many funerals to make it to"... yeah...
> Go buy some stuff, you Patriots.
> (Not you, Rob-dawg-- the American People)
> --
> I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find
> out what they want and then advise them to do it.
>     Harry S Truman

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