Yes it was as we were still at a state of war with them and they 
violated the terms of the cease fire.

Dinner wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008 6:54 PM, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> OK, what act of war did North Korea commit?
> Captured one of our wessels in international waters?
>> They have done lots of stuff we don't like, but want deliberate acts of war?
>> Iran has committed several, mainly revolving around the straights of
>> hama-whatever, not to mention supplying and providing for terrorists
>> that attack Americans, same with Syria.
> Yeah, why didn't we go after Iran, or Syria or *cough*the Saudis*cough*?
> Why did we choose /at that time/ to throw the whole balance of the region off?
> "we were looking for asses to kick" isn't a good enough reason, since
> apparently we only pick on the weak asses.
> Or do you really think that Saddam was the "top" of the human rights
> abusers, or "top" of the "screwing with the US" lists?
> Was Iraq the logical choice?
> --
> The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be
> taken seriously.
>     Hubert H. Humphrey

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