Yea I'd stay away from E-Harmony just because it's repugnant that they use
some  lame excuse not to allow gay people to have access to the site. Also
back when i played with it years ago just for shits and giggles since i was
divorced i was disqualified. Though mostly it's more for the gay folks
thing.  Too many really close people in my life are lesbian so I  can't
stand by for that type of bullshit. Yes i know E-Harmony can do what they
want but i'll use my words to help  educate folks.

On 2/12/08, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I remember once I signed in to E-Harmony for free, they had that
> special offer. And went through the long questionairre, more to see
> what I got back than for any other reason.
> Then...after everything and it ran through all the analysis etc. it
> sent back some message saying that it couldn't find a match.
> If I was depressed at that point I might have killed myself LOL LOL!
> The personality analysis result thing was pretty good though, that was
> some decent technology to collate and analyse the info.

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