Constant Contact, iContact,

Campaign Monitor is one of my favorites right now.

Probably good for her since they have a pay as you go model. $5 plus 1
cent per recipient. So if she only sends out once a quarter it would
work out better for her.


On 2/21/08, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could use this group's advice, please.
>  Ever since dirt I've been hosting our own mail server, web server, database
>  server, etc, but we're moving to a hosting service for these things.
>  We have one friend who we've been hosting her very simple ColdFusion site
>  for free for years.  She's a musician and her budget is very tight, so we're
>  going to convert it to a static HTML site and host it on GoDaddy because
>  it's cheap.
>  The one thing she will need outside HTML hosting is her announcement list,
>  which we currently run using iMail's list server capability as a discussion
>  list that only allows the moderator to post to.
>  What would you all suggest as a solution to this problem?
>  I sincerely appreciate your advice.
>  Respectfully,
>  Adam Phillip Churvis
>  President
>  Productivity Enhancement

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