> Again the only people that I see whose civil liberties are being
> violated are the ones who are doing something wrong,
> and at that point
>  you forfeit these liberties.

After all, why should a thing like evidence of a crime get in the way
of a good old fashioned prosecution and conviction, eh?

So, let me see if I have the logic straight here:

Statement: If you're not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't be
worried about the government tapping your phone. Because they won't if
you're not.

By your logic, the only people that *are* wiretapped are already doing
something wrong, or have done *something*. Since they are criminals by
definition--they must be, otherwise there would be no wiretap or a
need for one-- why should the the government be all tied up with
showing probable cause?

But, if *you're* not doing something wrong and the government throws a
tap on your line, shouldn't you be concerned that they think you must
be doing something wrong? Because they only tap the bad guys. And if
they do, doesn't that further mean you actually did do something since
only the already guilty are being watched?

> I believe that the intent of this whole
> thing is to speed up the investigative process and not mire it up
> waiting for some judge or grand jury issue a subpoena

There *is* already a speedy process set up. there are provisions that
allow a wiretap to be set up for a specific amount of time prior to
getting a warrant. The way you're talking it sounds like you don't
want the investigators to have to go back and check in with the
judiciary in order to make sure they've got their legal ducks in a
row. Which is asinine; should they ever try to get a conviction, the
case would likely be thrown out because the evidence was obtained
illegally. How exactly does it help the government make a case against
someone, if the only way to get evidence is to violate the rule of
law? How does that make sense to you? Are you really serious that the
investigators should be able to investigate anyone, with impunity,
those that are doing no wrong should have nothing to fear, those that
are, well, they deserve it anyway?

So... I'm not doing anything wrong, and *I* am incensed at the thought
that you think the government should be allowed to tap my phones, read
my e-mails, look at my bank accounts all without my knowledge and
without at least a minimum of oversight.

> And let's not
> forget that there are leaks all throughout the government, so again if
> you run it through legal channels, you risk the perpetrators being notified.

Oh, that's right, the terrorists have informants planted all over our
justice system, so we can't trust the information to stay secret.

that actually made me chuckle. Good one.

FWIW, I think you should maybe read up on the Stasi, start here:


"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
- Carrie Fisher

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