You are right. If it were for money I would NOT be going back into the 
Army. As Loathe can attest, they don't offer the best pay. I do it out 
of duty, pride and love of my country, and I am willing to tolerate 
certain things to ensure that my country is safe, even if some deem it 
unconstitutional. I also consider myself a warrior and not a Soldier of 
Fortune. There are enough people out there to fill that role, and 
frankly that concept never interested me.
Like Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, "I don't want money and I 
don't want medals".

I just want to serve and be the best soldier I can be.


denstar wrote:
> Something about Bruce makes me think it's more than just knowing which
> side his toast is buttered on.
> I think it's an honest belief.  Faith, sorta.
> It's only a problem when the State sucks nuts, which is the case in
> most cases. :-)
> We really do have a kick-ass country, built on, well, "just plain
> swell" ideas.
> It is the *ideas* that we must hold dear tho, *not* the country itself.
> Those ideas, and perhaps ideals, are the true cornerstone of our greatness.
> It ain't in the soil, ya know?  Much as I love the soil.
> I can respect those that love the soil more, but I want them to love
> the stuff that tills the soil even more, or something.
> Bah.
> I think what I mean to say is that Bruce says stuff out of Love, and
> *not* a love of money.
> I think of him more a warrior than a soldier (as far as the "for pay"
> bit goes).  Heh.  I'm a loon.
> And I work for The Man too (== I am The Man?) -- along those lines, I
> keep thinking about this thing I read:
> Heh.  And we were sooooo scared of the "big S". --  "Look over there,
> whilst I rummage in yer pocket!"
> --
> Woohoo fer Fridays*!
> *the idea, not the literal day, although it is quite nice, as days go

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