On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > tBone wrote:
> > And whats the risk vs. reward?
> >
> >  What do we lose in the long run if we were to pull out?
> >
> That's the problem: neither of us, and probably nobody, can say or
> quantify that.  So to start earning some value we need to do a couple
> of things:
> (1.) We need to put together a military advisory team to analyze the
> regional situation out-of-the-box.  No constraints, no group think.
> Facts.  Where are we at?

Iran is flexing its muscles more so than normal. They've been supplying
terrorists with equipment, cash and training for a LONG time but its gotten
worse. Saudi Arabia is flexing its muscles and exporting Jihad  theology
with an overwhelming percentage of 'insurgents' coming from that country.
North Korea 'may' have been helping Syria build a nuclear facility but no
one at all is willing to talk about it and one slip that was made at the UN
was covered up as a mistranslation. Pakistan is an Al Quida hotbed and it's
not getting any better. It's scary that they have nukes. Egypt is buying as
many weapons as they can for a 'military exercise against an unnamed country
to its east'. Israel is fighting a losing battle against world opinion and
terrorists who literally launch their rockets from schoolgrounds and other
civilian areas. Yemen has become a doorway for terrorists. The UAE has a lot
of ColdFusion jobs.

> (2.) We need to put together a cultural advisory team.  Where is the
> regional population at?

Saudi Arabia is pushing the region towards an interpretation of Islam that
is not one of peace. Iraq is pushing its message of defiance to try and rile
up the street against Israel/America/the west. Hamas and other groups are
pushing jihad theology where mothers are dancing for joy to send their sons
out to become killers and be killed (also known as martyrs). The affluent
are the most succeptable to these approaches with the lower class just
wanting to get by and are being pulled along by groups that are supporting
them to their final detriment.

> (3.) We need to craft a coherent exit strategy - an actual plan.  Not
> a surge, not a kill zone, not a security tactical plan, but a true
> evacuation strategy.

Remove support from those who are hampering our exit and are creating the
problems on the ground. We're too afraid of Saudi Arabia to tell them to
stop but if we stood up to them it would go a long way to calming 'the
street'. The Iraqi military/police has to be vetted and trained outside of
Iraq in order to come in and keep the peace. The Kurd issue (they've been
trying to get their ancestral homeland back for a LONG time) should be
supported and a settlement with Turkey reached which will enforce peace in
the north and allow the Kurds to become a more stabilizing force in Iraq.
This will also increase the output of Iraqi oil as they sit on top of a lot
of it. We have to make sure that support for the lower levels of the country
are supported so they do not get lured in by extremists (see Saudi Arabia
America should be backing the Kurds to help in an exit strategy even though
we've screwed them in the past.
Finally, we need to use our UN position (like the UN has any power or use,
but....) to get non-troop support from other countries to allow us to pull
out. Send 500 Iraqi policemen to Italy for training. Send 500 Iraqi doctors
to Germany for training. etc. etc. Unless we build a solid local base to
support the country there is no way we can ever leave for fear/knowledge
that it will fall into the hands of chaos, hate and to use the word - evil.

> That plan will likely look like Biden's plan and it will involve the
> World.  Now we just need a leader capable facilitating the plan and
> aligning the World behind it.

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