Ahh, I did not quite catch what the guy was saying. I agree that is 
pretty scary. Either you like something or you don't. You can't have it 
both ways.

Todd wrote:
> Yes, that's exactly what I meant.  I want the corrupt politicians to get 
> away with every single thing they can. =-/
> Come on.  Read that statement that person made again.
> Let me paraphrase and interpret : "I don't agree with the Patriot Act.  I am 
> completely against it with all of my being.  Still, I guess if it 
> inadvertently does one 'good' thing out of all of the bad things it can or 
> has done, then it is worth it and I am 100% behind it.  In fact, it is the 
> greatest thing ever!"
> I mean, what the hell?  It's the screwed up rationalization that I am 
> talking about, not the details of this particular case.

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