Nice parsing:
It's true that the Pentagon report found no "smoking gun," i.e., a direct 
connection on a joint Iraq-al Qaeda operation.


At the very least the report should dispel the notion that outwardly "secular" 
Saddam would never consort with religious types like al Qaeda. A pan-Arab 
nationalist, Saddam viewed radical Islamists as potential allies, and they 
likewise. According to a 1993 memo, Saddam decided to "form a group to start 
hunting Americans present on Arab soil; especially Somalia," where al Qaeda was 
then working with warlords against U.S. humanitarian forces. Saddam also 
trained Sudanese fighters in Iraq.

The Pentagon report cites this as "a tactical example" of their cooperation. 
When Saddam "was ordering action in Somalia aimed at the American presence, 
Osama bin Laden was doing the same thing." Saddam took an interest in 
"far-flung terrorist groups . . . to locate any organization whose services he 
might use in the future." The Harmony documents "reveal that the regime was 
willing to co-opt or support organizations it knew to be part of al Qaeda -- as 
long as that organization's near-term goals supported Saddam's long-term 

For 20 years, such "support" included using Fedayeen Saddam training camps to 
school terrorists, especially Palestinians but also non-Iraqis "directly 
associated" with al Qaeda, continuing up to the fall of Baghdad. Saddam also 
provided financial support and weapons, amounting to "a state-directed program 
of significant scale." In July 2001, the regime began patronizing a terror 
cartel in Bahrain calling itself the Army of Muhammad, which, according to an 
Iraqi memo, "is under the wings of bin Laden."

>ok so.... the *Pentagon* now says that there's no proof of a
>connection between al Qaeda and Saddam and the Wall Street Journal
>says that just goes to show how sneaky he was?
>Even if he wasn't a nice guy, how can you pulverize a country over
>Saddam and allow a Darfur? Whatever happened to all those vows that
>we'd never allow another Holocaust?

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