weak whiny bitches huh ;) why don't you tell us what you really think.
Shiiit. The problem with your theory is that killing all the bad guys
doesn't work unless it is actually the bad guys you are killing.

That's all.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thing is you've been answered and answered and answered, yet you
>  continue to harp on the same bull shit.  I haven't said you wouldn't
>  understand, I'm sure you understand perfectly, you just refuse to deal
>  with what is required to be the sole super power left on this planet.
>  If you like the way Canada and France and other countries are run so
>  much move there for Christ's sake.
>  The people of the United States, through the electoral college twice
>  elected a president that went on to start some wars.  Congress approved
>  them, essentially declaring war.  We as Americans do not quit wars.  It
>  was once culturally abhorrent to us.  We don't lose, no matter the cost.
>  Socialized medicine is unconstitutional, socialism goes directly against
>  the ideals of our republic, and yes this country was founded so some
>  rich dudes didn't have to pay so much in taxes.  Property owners were
>  the only people that were supposed to vote, everyone was supposed to own
>  guns, and so on and so forth.
>  The economy that obviously brought you to this country was built on
>  these classical liberal ideals.  We work hard and take care of
>  ourselves, we don't let government intrude in our lives at any level.
>  Occasionally we get in a fight, and when we do we stay till we win.
>  I don't like where my country is today, and it is people like you, and
>  lately gruss, with their constant watering down of the ideals that this
>  republic (NOT DEMOCRACY) has to blame for our state.
>  waaaaaa, dead iraqis, fuck the iraqis.  If they had toppled the man
>  themselves we wouldn't be there.  Fuck liberals that want to destroy the
>  constitution.  I don't like a lot of whats going on, but fuck people
>  that don't support the country in time of war.  Lincoln said that those
>  people that would legislate against the war effort, the soldiers and the
>  nation were saboteurs and should be shot as such.
>  This wasn't supposed to be a nation of weak whiny bitches.  It was
>  supposed to be composed of men and women of action and when need be
>  violence.
>  When our blood is spilled we should return it a hundred, a thousand, a
>  million times over.  Bring death and destruction upon our enemies until
>  they come crawling begging for mercy at our feet.  You want to win this
>  shit?  Nuke Mecca.  Nuke Tehran, this shit is fucking over.  But the
>  weak shits like you without back bone, without acceptance of whats going
>  on in our world, would cry about all the poor civilians.
>  fuck this shit.
>  Dana wrote:
>  > some flippant comment? I want to know what good reason there was for
>  > 4,000 soldiers to be killed, let alone all the Iraqi casualties. I am
>  > really not being flippant and no, I don't want to hear that it's
>  > national security and I wouldn't understand. If you don't have an
>  > answer that's fine; I am used to that. But don't patronize me.
>  >
>  > On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >> Not "ma daddy"
>  >>
>  >> How about"our president"?
>  >>
>  >> Its ok, ignore all the rest, you do it all the time.  Focus on one
>  >> point, make some flippant comment and make no progress in the debate.
>  >>
>  >> Dana wrote:
>  >>> ah it boils down to thi sis the guy who tried to kill my dad? So let's
>  >>> kill lots of dads. Great. That will work.....
>  >>>
>  >>> On 3/24/08, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >>>> Why anyone, we should just be pacifists and allow whatever country that
>  >>>> wants to to kill Americans at will, attempt to assassinate our leaders,
>  >>>> violate their cease fires, support terror attacks against us and our
>  >>>> allies.  I mean, looking the other way for over 20 years made it go away
>  >>>> right?
>  >>>>
>  >>>> sam morris wrote:
>  >>>>> Why them?
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>> again... why? Why Iraq and not Somalia or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan?
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>
>  >>
>  >
>  >

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