What do you think Obama's Campaign Co-Chair and chief military adviser is 
telling him?

100 years and no democracy? 


Gen McPeak:
Is Iraq the last country we confront in the Middle East?

Who wants to volunteer to get cross-ways with us? We'll be there a century, 
hopefully. If it works right.

I'll tell you one thing we should not hope for (is) a democratic Iraq. When I 
hear the president talking about democracy, the last thing we should want is an 
election in Iraq. We're not very popular. So I don’t think we’ll see any 
open elections in Iraq for a long time.

Hopefully over time they can be brought along like Japan and Germany — Japan 
and Germany were relatively easy, I think, and South Korea.

>In fact, I would say with Iraq, you're violating your principle since
>we're tying ourselves up with peons when we need to attack leadership.
> What we're doing in Iraq is not war, it's regime installation.  The
>exact opposite of war.  And a strategy that's failed for the entire
>20th century and now the 21st.
>We need to fight the war on US terms and a US timetable.  And that
>means pulling general forces out of Iraq.
>As we're finding out, foreign nation-building is a liberal fantasy.

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