Thats one city.  I actually advocated the bombing of 2 cities, thats not 

Vivec wrote:
> You have no evidence that the Majority of Islam is militant.
> Show me those statistics.
> And you are saying that you haven't advocated wiping them all out to
> solve the problem? what would Nuking Tehran be about then?
> On 28/03/2008, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When have I advocated genocide?
>>  These lists are archived, back up that statement gellie, it's utter
>>  nonsense.
>>  One not only can pull damning images and video of Christianity but it is
>>  done quite regularly, without beheading and bombing in the after math.
>>  Something to realize, I know about moderate Muslims.  They are
>>  considered Kafir, enemies and traitors to true Islam.  Worse than us
>>  simple infidels.  This isn't about that small minority.  This is about
>>  the majority of Islam, the vocal majority that supports jihad, that
>>  supports the expansion of the umma through all of the world.
>>  Vivec wrote:
>>  > There are no points.
>>  >
>>  > This 'movie' and I use the term very loosely, shows snippets of text,
>>  > and video footage without any context whatsoever.
>>  >
>>  > One can pull damning snippets of text from the Bible if one wanted
>>  > to,and string images of Pastors in the US preaching hate against
>>  > Homosexuals etc., to make a point.
>>  >
>>  > This is a very, very poor attempt at anything resembling a
>>  > documentary, and will really only appeal to people who are simply
>>  > looking for any outlet to reinforce their preconceptions and their own
>>  > beliefs.
>>  >
>>  > There are excellent Documentaries by Christiane Aman pour and others
>>  > from CNN and the BBC on Muslims and Islam, find those and watch them
>>  > instead of this trite rubbish. They may still simply reinforce your
>>  > beliefs, but at least then you would have objective accounts both on
>>  > the miltants and on the moderates (who's presence you will most likely
>>  > ignore anyway).
>>  >
>>  > There is a definite problem of militant and extremist Islam. Its a
>>  > problem that the world has to confront.
>>  >
>>  > But I think it is utterly barbaric, stupid and bigoted to view the
>>  > answer as Genocide ('wiping them out').
>>  >
>>  > On 28/03/2008, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  >> The protocols of Zion were proven to be fraudulent, created for the sole
>>  >>  purpose of making people hate jews.
>>  >>
>>  >>  This movie takes direct quotes from the Qu'ran, from imams, from the
>>  >>  media.  Images from real life.
>>  >>
>>  >>  The quote below is more leading yes, but the examples it uses are valid.
>>  >>     Instead of using an inflammatory reference, why not argue the points?
>>  >
>>  >

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