Actually in many states it's only illegal for those under 21 to purchase 
alcohol, and drink without parental consent.  Many don't have a problem 
so long as there is parental consent.

G Money wrote:
> You know, it's interesting. There are instances where the laws have bent to
> accommodate religious services.
> The big one that comes to mind is the Eucharistic ceremony for Christians.
> Christian children start participating in the Eucharistic ceremony when they
> are in about 2nd grade.  At that point, if they want a little wine during
> church, all they gotta do is hold out their hands...
> Giving alcohol, in any capacity, to a minor, is otherwise against the law.
> Now I think we can all agree that the practice is not harmful and it is
> reasonable for the law to bend in this instance. But now that the can of
> worms is open, who gets to decide what is reasonable and what is not? How
> much bending should the law do to accommodate increasingly extreme religious
> rites?
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 10:08 AM, Michael Dinowitz <
>> We've already done so. Biblically you're allowed multiple wives. This
>> practice has been prohibited to conform to the social norms of Europe and
>> later America. At the moment I can't think of any Jewish laws that would
>> conflict with social laws. Just about all of our laws are
>> personal/communal
>> ones with just about no impact on society. The only conflicts that have
>> come
>> up in the past are ritual slaughtering and circumcision. Time and again
>> it's
>> been shown that ritual slaughtering is more humane than the standard bolt
>> to
>> the head. The practice is also proof against such things as mad cow
>> disease.
>> Circumcision is a social norm in most places so the only conflict is when
>> people try to ban it, but that's not just a Jewish issue.
>> Bottom line is that we don't have that big a social footprint that has to
>> be
>> modified, and me being available to the lists on a Saturday is not a law.
>> :)
>> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 10:36 AM, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>>>  I agree. Now lets enforce that.
>>> So, Michael, just out of curiosity, what practice of your own religion
>>> would you be willing to give up for the sake of conforming to this
>>> (American) society's laws?
>>> And would you do so quietly?
>>> --
>>> will
>>> "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
>>> and that would just be unacceptable."
>>> - Carrie Fisher

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