It is an almost completely and totally faithful adaptation of the original
series.  They may have borrowed a few stylistic elements from Speed Racer X,
but honestly, it felt like the original in every way.

Which is actually the only reason that it got poor reviews from the entire
mainstream press, frankly.  The movie *is* the cartoon.  The Wachowskis even
developed an awesome layering technique that allowed them to keep both the
foreground and the background in full focus at all times.  That plus the
"character moving through the frame" transitions from the original series,
plus the sense of comedic timing and everything - this is quite possibly the
most faithful live-action remake of a cartoon in history.

My partner and I both loved Speed Racer.  We are buying it on Blu-Ray the
moment it comes out.

David C

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 9:52 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Speed Racer review

How faithful is it to the original.. the trailers look like they took a lot
from the revamped 2002 Speed Racer X series.

Scott Stewart
ColdFusion Developer
4405 Oakshyre Way
Raleigh, NC. 27616
(919) 874-6229 (home)
(703) 220-2835 (cell)
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 11:13 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Speed Racer review

The good news: the critics who gave this thing a 37 average out of 100 have
their heads up their asses.


The bad news: the movie isn't a good as I'd hoped it would be.


This movie is like if you took the cameraman from Cloverfield, gave him a
double hit of windowpane and an amyl nitrate popper, and yelled real loud:


Quite seriously, you will need to detox by sitting through "Remains of the
Day" four or five times in a row.


The best thing in the movie was the little kid.  And Susan Sarandon's


I give this movie a very special Two Old Blown Goats.  Old because one
reason I had a problem was my age, and corresponding inability to handle
"acid 'n poppers" type content.


For my money, it's still Ironman all the way.




Adam Phillip Churvis 


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