so that's what happened, the little hooker let soros stick in him for a few
bucks. now is pressuring him to give the profits to charity. and
moveon is funded by ... soros! i guess mclellan didn't read the fine print
on his deal with the devil.

On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Sam wrote:

> So you buy this version? He was lying then but telling the truth now?
> Isn't that a left leaning view from someone in the center?
> What do you think about George Soros owning the publisher?
> Soros Publisher 'Shaped' McClellan's Hit Job: Other publishers don't
> recognize it as the same book
> PublicAffairs editor Lisa Kaufman confirmed to the AP that the
> proposal McClellan shopped around was nothing like the book that
> plunges the knife into his benefactor's back. "The original proposal
> was somewhat general," Kaufman admits, "so before making an offer on
> the book we talked to Scott at some length."
> It takes little imagination to gather how the conversation between
> George Soros's publisher and a disgruntled former Bush administration
> official hawking his unwritten memoirs, still unsold after having gone
> through the top tier of publishers, went.

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