Wow, the closed mindedness of that article is astounding. I'm a firm
believer that science is the epitome of "doing God's work" because we're
discovering His plan. If we weren't meant to we wouldn't have been given the
free will and intelligence that puts up a step up the evolutionary ladder
from our ape relatives.

There's much research that suggests that Mars was not always a desert, if we
could find out why, it would go along way to help keep Earth on the straight
and narrow.

And what a way to prove the power of God, than begin to see the diversity
and tenacity of the life that He set in motion in the universe.

Scott Stewart
ColdFusion Developer
4405 Oakshyre Way
Raleigh, NC 27616
(h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 9:02 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: We're Wasting our Time on Mars

I got the link from

Apparently it's a total waste of money to go to Mars to search for life

"Mars is a desert planet and perhaps there is ice and maybe even water
there. So what? Who cares? It's water! That doesn't mean a thing. Life
originated on Earth when God spoke it into existence and there is no need in
wasting billions of dollars of taxpayer money searching for an answer that
is based upon faulty evolutionary ideas."

(Just to be clear as well: the Phoenix was nowhere NEAR "billions of

Of course he follows that immediately by suggesting that the money would be
better spent... on science.  To "fight disease" and "research cancer".  So
cancer research (which is absolutely based on those "faulty" evolutionary
ideas) is fine.

I'm in constant amazement concerning the level of compartmentalization and
intellectual dishonesty displayed by evangelicals.  I'm also amazed by the
level of control the seek to exert over their God.  Apparently the
"almighty" couldn't speak life into existence on Mars?  Or anyplace he damn
well wanted?

Jim Davis

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