> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Bowen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 2:54 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Obama promises faith-based initiative
> > That's my point.
> > There's no logic to the liberal mind, only emotion.
> no Sam, that's one person's opinion, *not* indicative of an entire
> group. Being "all grown up" (to quote you) you should (and probably
> do) know better.
> Personally, I am not happy with this particular move by Obama, I think
> it smacks of pandering. It is not enough for me to change my vote to
> McCain, as there are a number McCain's other platform planks against
> which I am even more opposed.

It definitely is pandering... but it's not as bad when you actually put it
in context. Here's the rest:

"Now, make no mistake, as someone who used to teach constitutional law, I
believe deeply in the separation of church and state, but I don't believe
this partnership will endanger that idea -- so long as we follow a few basic
principles. First, if you get a federal grant, you can't use that grant
money to proselytize to the people you help and you can't discriminate
against them -- or against the people you hire -- on the basis of their
religion. Second, federal dollars that go directly to churches, temples, and
mosques can only be used on secular programs. And we'll also ensure that
taxpayer dollars only go to those programs that actually work."

Even as an atheist I've no problem with community groups - even religiously
founded groups - running secular aid programs.  They are, after all, members
of the community and in theory should be better equipped to understand its

As long as the days of refusing aid to homosexuals, faith-rather-than-fact
abstinence-only education and government funded missionary work are gone I'm
all for it.

The pandering is in the very concept: "faith-based initiative".  We don't
need "faith-based" anything... we need well run programs to allow community
groups (religious or not) access to public money to assist the public good.

So... in short, the statement?  Outright pandering.  The program?  Not a bad

Here's the full article I read via Pharyngula:


You can ignore the editorializing of the author if you like and just read
the quotes from Obama... the AP article that's been flying around was truly

Jim Davis

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