And where are you getting the idea that we have nothing to show for it? 
The MSM? Occasionally I will try and stomach CNN, HNN, ABC, NBC, etc... 
and after a while I get sick to my stomach because all they can report 
about Iraq is all the bad and none of the good. I have gone over this 
before and I am not going to kick a dead horse by repeating it all. All 
I am going to say is there are plenty of good things going on in Iraq. 
My source is my own eyes as I have personally seen  and participated in 
a lot of good things going on there. When I go there again in September 
(estimated ship date for my unit) I will resurrect my blog and report 
what is going on there. I am not going to worry about posting any bad 
shit as the news is already doing a bang up job at this. I am going to 
talk about the good shit I see happening, focusing on families and 
communities that are benefiting from our being there. This is probably 
going to piss of the anti-war establishment but I don't give a fuck. The 
way I see it is if they are pissed about someone talking about the good 
stuff, then I am doing something right.

Gruss Gott wrote:
> Since I think this is pandering on a level I'm only answering academically:
> Can't be worse than dumping $3 trillion into Iraq.  We ain't got shit
> to show for that except: dead people, fucked up living people, and a
> bunch of pissed off Arabs.
> In fact we could fly a place over America and dump out a hundred
> billion or so and we'd probably see better results than with either
> Iraq or faith-based initiatives.
> But I have no empirical data to support that.

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