
-- tony

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
-- siddhartha gautama

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [None of my posts from yesterday seem to have made it... sorry if this ends
> up posted twice.]
> I've always thought that wave energy (generating power from the motion of
> the ocean and the tides) has always been woefully under-appreciated.   We
> have, pragmatically, a perpetual motion system here and we're failing to tap
> it.
> This new design is clever, simple and awesome - exactly the kind of stuff we
> need:
> http://gizmodo.com/5022335/huge-rubber-snake-is-no-joke-generates-power-from
> -waves
> I've often thought about the actual density of power collection we could get
> from any section of coastline.  You could, for example, set up an offshore
> wind farm above, a set of these (or other) "out-in-the-water" wave
> generators and a series of gravity-fed tidal generators on the coast itself
> with traditional "flapper" or paddle generators in-between.  In some areas
> power can also be generated using thermal generators (working with water
> temperature changes) or with algae-based bio-fuel.
> All this could still be done while keeping much of the same beach available
> for recreational use.
> There's also potential to offset construction and operating costs by
> applying infrastructure to other uses.  For example the pylons of an
> offshore wind farm could be used for mussel farming or as bases for other
> oceanic agriculture.
> Like I said: the sheer density of use that a few miles of coastline could be
> put to astounds me.   And unlike strip mining or nuclear it would almost all
> be eco- and recreation-friendly.
> Jim Davis

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