You simply do not understand how the process works. Moreover I trust the 
scientists at the CDC ar more than any other sort of government workers. There 
is a difference. When I was at ATCC I worked with some of the scientists from 
CDC, I have a tremendous respect for them and their work. By and large they do 
represent the highest levels of scientific integrity. Much more so than most of 
your so-called watchdog groups with an axe to grind. Their work, like their 
daily and weekly reports, as well as stuff sent out to scientific journals is 
very rigorously reviewed, probably much more so than anywhere else in either 
the academic, public or private sectors.

To tell the truth I'd rather trust the CDC than such "neutral organizations" as 
Judicial Watch, or other tinfoil hat and "black helicopter" organizations. For 
instance the CDC sent out a 40 person scientific team to Zaire during the 
outbreak last October. They were at considerable risk during their field 
research. Did any of your watchdog organizations do the same?

>Odd how you TRUST the government when it suits you. Since the idiot
>tagged this as a religous argument you're gung-ho supporting the gov.
>If it was mearly a saftey issue you might look at it different.
>This vaccine will protect 70% of the 4000 people likly to die from
>Cervical cancer in the US.
>Considering there's over 150 million woman in the US why take a chance
>for such low odds.
>The report you used is old.
>On June 10, 2008, Judicial Watch received a compact disk from the FDA
>with a new total of 8,864 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
>(VAERS) records. These documents and the new Judicial Watch report,
>entitled "Examining the FDA's HPV Vaccine Records: Detailing the
>Approval Process, Side-Effects, Safety Concerns & Marketing Practices
>of a Large Scale Health Experiment," are available at
>- Gardasil is not 100% effective against all HPVs. It is designed to protect
>against only four strains of HPV, even though there are over thirty strains
>including at least fifteen that can cause cancer
>- While Gardasil is the most expensive vaccine ever to be recommended by the
>FDA, its long-term effectiveness is unknown and could be as brief as only two
>to three years.
>- During testing, an aluminum-containing placebo was used. Aluminum can
>cause permanent cell damage and is a reactive placebo, unlike most standard
>saline placebos. This means that tests of Gardasil may not have given an
>accurate picture of safety levels.
>- Although some states are considering making it mandatory for young girls to
>get the Gardasil vaccine, it has only been tested with one other vaccine
>commonly given to children. There are ten commonly administered
>adolescent vaccines.
>-  Gardasil is still in the testing stages, and will not be fully
>evaluated for safety
>until September 2009. VAERS reports show that as many as eighteen people
>have died after receiving Gardasil.
>On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 6:40 AM, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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