Where's the feet?

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 9:14 AM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I had my wife all set for us to get 3g iPhones.  When I started
> telling people of my marital victory a couple people with iPhones told
> me about their reception they get and some of the problems with the
> network.
> So, after a bunch of research, I decided to stay with Verizon since my
> top use for a phone is as a phone and they have the best network.  I
> figured if I REALLY find out I need the functionality I can buy the
> iPod Touch.
> In the meantime I just got the Dare (decided I didn't need the
> functionality of the Diamond or The Thunder so no sense waiting).
> I really like it.  I'm coming from a 6800 "smart" phone that ran
> windows 5.0.  So far The Dare does everything I want of it and more.
> It's great to make calls, the interface is intuitive and easy, and I
> have no problems with the touch screen.  Plus it has a 3.2 megapixel
> camera and is about the best phone camera I've ever used.  It's even
> got the 2 touch shutter button w/ auto focus, flash, and configurable
> settings.
> Anyway, if you're looking for a Verizon phone that comes closer to the
> iPhone, get The Dare!

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