I think we had this discussion before your last vacation.

If you're into fiction, I'll plug three podcasts:
EscapePod - http://www.escapepod.org was originally
SciFi/Fantasy/Light Horror (on Halloween).  Now they just do Sci-Fi
because they've spun off :
PodCastle - http://www.podcastle.org Which is fantasy from all around
the genre and
PseudoPod - http://www.pseudopod.org which supposedly is horror but I
don't subscribe to it.

In all cases they follow a similar format - intro, 30 minute or so
story and outro with comments.  The original feed (escapepod) has been
doing it for a long time.

Oh, and if you have time, drop me a note and we can have coffee!


On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After the worst week of work since... well... ever, I'm going to be taking
> some time off and heading back to Buffalo for a family reunion.  It's a 4-5
> hour drive and Grandma isn't the most technical gal in the world so I'm
> going to load up Podcasts and such to listen to.
> (Before we begin... I don't use iTunes.  I hate it.  No knock if you like
> it, but I don't.  So only casts available via RSS or as plain MP3 downloads
> please.)
> I'm looking for science, skepticism, technical, entertainment (movie/TV
> reviews/discussion), gaming, comics, comedy, fun stuff, etc.
> I listen now to:
> The Skeptics Guide to the Universe (http://www.theskepticsguide.org/):
> Subject matter should be apparent, but this is a comfortable, fun panel
> show.  Science, skepticism, oddball news, etc.  Easy to listen too, good
> content.
> Skepticality (http://www.skepticality.org/): Again, a skeptical show with
> similar content to the above.  I don't care for it as much, but it's
> generally pretty good.
> Those are really the only two that I listen to regularly.
> Lately I've been listening to the "Dungeons and Dragons" podcast (their site
> makes it difficult to link to anything).  I don't actually play anymore...
> but there's something soothing about listening to topics I obsessed about so
> long ago.  ;^)
> I also grab the Scientific American Podcast sometimes, the "Point of
> Inquiry" (http://www.pointofinquiry.org/) and a smattering of gaming shows
> (PS3 Fanboy, Cheap Ass Gamer, etc).
> I'm looking for something that can keep me engaged while driving and lull me
> at night while I try to sleep in a 60-year-old cot that's been too short for
> me since I was 15.  ;^)
> Jim Davis

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