your missing my point...

i believe whole heartedly that with technology, and charisma
and his ability to win NATIONS of people over, not just ours
that he has the power to change things in a positive manner
unlike the cavalier fuck nut shrub.... we CANNOT GO ANY
FARTHER DOWN the international tubes of hatred...  we have
to change that, and thats priority one, or we will bear the
brunt of the OTHER "coalition of the willing" that is mounting
up in front of shrubs ranch!

so, does that require on the job experience... i do not think so.

shrub and barack are of no comparison, they are so diametrically opposed
to each other on the compassion, charisma, intelligent delivery of idea
scales that to put them in the same sentence is almost blasphemous.

so, do i think barack can take the reigns even tho he may be a bit under
experienced and do a billion times better job than the current administration
of the continuation of that administration with mccain? haha, nope.

listen, you know VERY well c hat hump that mccain aint gonna pull this off
and i think its REALLY starting to hurt... i truly do... we are
arguing the position
of intelligence and delivery of speeches... thats how petty its
become... you know
i think, deep down that the clear person for the job is barack, i know
you and the
rest of the country knows, shit, hundreds of thousands of germans
know, and im sure
many more in many other countries, and when they can see that they
have some solidarity
with us and finally we are voting out the crap and puttin in the
man... the perception of
the USA in the world theatre will change, they will say... hmmm, maybe americans
are not so fnckin dumb after all

and yes jerry it has started :)

-- tony

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
-- siddhartha gautama

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 10:35 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey
>> apparent he was the presumptive nominee... WOW, no looking down,
>> nothing... impressive!
> It's called a teleprompter, they're placed so a presenter can look out
> without looking down.
>> again, i dont care about what HE KNOWS... he has cabinet, he has a
>> congress, he has the population
>> of the GREAT US OF A to steer him... we simply need him to be a bearer
>> of olive branches and hope
>> for the future of the world... since we are no longer an island that
>> is autonomous... we are a world that
>> must learn to live together.
> Hmmm... interesting argument; you would rather have a figurehead
> president that needs the gravitas of his cabinet and potential veep.
> If that doesn't sound familiar, it should... look a the barbs the left
> threw at GWB in the run-up to the 2000 election.  Actually, the funny
> thing is that Obama has less experience now than Bush did at his first
> run.
> Also, if Obama is such the candidate for change, which is the "future"
> you speak of, why is he using standing party officials (I'll keep this
> nice and not say hacks) to support him?
> Hatton

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